Keep up with me via Vlog!

Hi Friends!

I have now officially joined ERRC and am raising support for my ministry. You can keep up with me via VLOG! This allows you to LISTEN on your drive to the office or while making your family dinner. It’s an easy way for you to keep up with me, my family and my ministry. I hope my journey can be an encouragement to you as we band together as iron sharpens iron. I am thankful for all of you faithful readers. I will continue to write blogs but as the office gets more and more busy with mobilization efforts, these vlogs help me to patch in the gaps where I am too busy to sit and write my heart out to you.

Here are the back-issues thus far:

Vlog #1: Jeung Family Updates

Vlog #2: Who is ERRC?

Vlog#3: Just A Typical Day (in and out of the office)


How to send in financial support for this ministry:

  1. Preferred way: Send checks payable to ERRC to Address:
    • 3824 Buell Street Suite B, Oakland CA 94619
  2. You can do it online too (please keep in mind that we pay a Paypal fee of 2-3%).
    1. Go to
    2. Click “Donate Now”
    3. Where it says, ” + Purpose of donation” write in my Name “Andy Jeung”
    4. Be sure to click “Share my address with ERRC” at the bottom so that you can receive newsletters and a physical receipt for your donation. We won’t send you spam or anything.

December 2014 Updates

International student Ministry

Holidays are often thought of as a time to spend with loved ones and family and I hope you get to spend some precious time with your family and loved ones. Many people are discussing shopping and chatting about the great deals they hit-up on Black Friday. Movies and tv shows are addressing the true meaning of Christmas. The true meaning of Christmas seems so polarized that Nate and I are sometimes unsure whether we should laugh or be sad about these commercials, tv shows and public conversations we overhear. Two things which I think our life should entail is integration of our knowledge of the Gospel message into our daily actions and lifestyle, and a holistic perspective on the evangelical needs of the world. We are often so focused on what the needs of other people groups and other nations are, but we forget that Americans are often completely mixed up and need Jesus as well. I hope that every time you hear someone say that Christmas is about family, Santa Claus, presents, etc.,  that your heart would break for your local community and that we might find a way to reach out locally as well as internationally this holiday season. Christmas is about the birth of Jesus, the Savior, the God who humbled himself to become a man (talk about incarnational ministry!).

Philippians 2:6-11
“…though he was in the form of God, did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped, but emptied himself,  by taking the form of a servant, being born in the likeness of men. And being found in human form, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross. Therefore God has highly exalted him and bestowed on him the name that is above every name, so that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.

While this month does not hold much for on-campus student mobilization (as students are prioritizing their time for their upcoming finals), I hope that I/we can minister to students, friends and family locally in creative ways.

New items for this month in student ministry:

  • I began attending Thursday night international student ministry near SFSU (though they are students from all over the city). I am hoping to connect with both international students as well as individuals with a heart and mind for international ministries.

  • I am in conversation with a dean from Western Seminary to work on creating a program for OMF members who wish to attend seminary. This partnership will also allow me to come on campus and share with students about mission opportunities.

  • We are hosting four female international students for Christmas brunch! We love to share the love.


Hi friends,

It’s now the new year and great adventures await for us. You may be getting married, expecting a child, planning to change jobs or hoping for a promotion. You may have the year planned down to a T, or maybe you have no idea what will happen this year and are just praying for God to provide for your most basic needs. Life is full of seasons and stages of life. While we live each day, we grow closer to seeing God’s promises realized in our prayers and are pioneering onward in the God’s great plan of redemption.

In saying all this, we move forward with hope.


This coming year will be a big transition for me. I have been working from the US headquarters in Colorado for 3 months now and still we are searching for community. In 4 months time, Nathan and I will be getting married. For school partnerships, this coming year I hope to develop 3-5 school partnerships and begin to train 6-8 volunteers who will reproduce themselves through discipleship within the next two years.

The water is deep and learning to swim can be daunting, but it is not impossible. It will be a tough year filled with joyful triumphs as well as harsh barriers. I am thankful for this team of praying people who have encouraged me along this journey thus far.

For 2014, I still need to raise $750 a month (9,000 for the whole year). I am at 90% support but when I turn 26 in a few months I will have to add medical insurance to my budget (which is $300 a month). If you would like to help me continue this ministry by supporting financially, please check out OMF International’s site at

Thank you! (Image below is the Link Asia, partnership team! I’m the one in the middle…)DSCF3414